Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Support Strong Jewish Women Everywhere

I don't know Leah Larson personally. I have no financial stake in her endeavors. The only thing I know about Leah is that she is a strong young Jewish girl woman.

At the age of 13, Leah decided to begin a magazine for Jewish girls, by Jewish girls and the end result - Yaldah Magazine, is nothing short of amazing. My daughter is absolutely enthralled and the only negative thing I have to say about this magazine is that it doesn't come out often enough.

Now Leah is a finalist in Wells Fargo's $100,000 "Someday Stories" contest. She has already received $10,000, and is now ONE OF FIVE finalists (chosen from over 10,000 entries!!) for the $100,000 for Yaldah magazine.

Won't you please take a moment and vote for Evelyn from MA (Leah's mother - Leah wasn't old enough to enter on her own) to win the Wells Fargo Someday Stories contest, and make a vote for strong Jewish women everywhere? You'll also help Leah achieve her dream of taking Yaldah Magazine to the next level. What started out as a "lemonade stand" idea has turned into a real thriving publication!

Go Leah!!

Hat tip: Juggling Frogs


  1. Thanks for spreading the word!

    Leah was far in the lead for the first week, but then the man from Utah started working the social networks and pulled ahead. Now they're neck-and-neck!

    Leah and YALDAH have the potential to make such a positive impact on Jewish girls (and young entrepreneurs) worldwide, and her story is such a kiddush hashem.

  2. Thanks so much for spreading the word! I just created a widget with info, links & a countdown of how many dates are left to vote. You can embed it in your blog by going to (scroll to the bottom of the homepage) and click 'share' on the bottom left corner of the widget. You'll get lots of options for sharing on facebook, myspace, blogs, e-mail, etc.
    Thanks again!
    Leah @ YALDAH
