Saturday, December 13, 2008

Joey Factoid # 29,371

This one came up at dinner last night and I really liked it.
It's a two part question.
Since the first part you either know or you don't know (or you "google" or "wiki", but that's not the point of this exercise...) I'm going to reveal the answer at the end of this post.
But since it is possible to deduce answer to the the second part of the question, I'm going to wait a day or two and then post the answer in the comments section if nobody else beats me to it. Please only post your answer if you come up with it on your own.... no googling or wiki-ing.
So the question is what is the stock symbol for Steinway & Sons and why?




It's not SSP..........It's not STN.....



Are you ready?

OK. It's LVB
Points for getting why :)
Have I mentioned I really like this one :) :) :)

Update: Spoiler Alert!! We have a winner in the comments section {Anonymous! You just know how much I love that }.... I should have told you guys to email me for posting later.


  1. Entirely too easy. First of all I knew the symbol; I'm a shareholder.

    Second answer: Ludwig Van Beethoven.

  2. totally off topic, but isn'tit time to put up a picture of chanuka cookies hanging from your chandelier??

  3. LOL...
    That's one we never did...
    I'll have to think on it.
