Friday, December 12, 2008

Only My Manicurist Knows For Sure

It's not just hairdressers, apparently....
File this one under, "With so little command of the English language, how do you even know this stuff??"
As I settled myself into the manicurist's chair this afternoon, she pre-empted her usual heavily accented questions of either "So did you cook a lot?" or "So are you finished cooking?" and proudly announced, "So I hear Shirley is coming to you for dinner tonight!".
I love "small community" living but this is getting ridiculous.....


  1. o yeah. i totally can relate.
    the last time i went to get to get a manicure it somehow came up in conversation with another customer that i had a date that night so on friday when i went to get a manicure, the manicurist asks me: "so how was your date". i was like OMG can't believe this is happening!!

  2. lol, Manicurist seem to always know everything.

    My mother went to the cleaners to pick something up, the Chinese lady said what my mother was cooking smelled good. Happened to be I did the cooking, but I guess she smelled it from her clothes?
