Tuesday, December 30, 2008

T Minus 35 Hours

... in this case the "T" stands for Talent.
You can tell we are getting close to our annual talent night because Eric is dashing around buying sheet music and juggling rehearsal times so that nobody finds out what anybody else is doing... Of course he, as "house pianist" knows everybody's act - well, at least everybody that has a musical component to their act. [and that HAS an act already.... Joey reassures me that he is at his creative best under pressure....]
I'm not giving mine away but I will say that I gave Eric an awesome challenge this year - to find me an act I could do with Avram (cuts the "embarrassment factor" in half - last year we did the famous Abbot and Costello "Who's on First" routine) that is musical in nature (why should the men have all the fun?) but that I don't have to sing for.... tough, no? Well.... he came through.... and that's the only clue I'm giving you.... hey maybe if you guess I can use your ideas for next year ;)


  1. Act out a regular day in your house, if thats interesting enough.

  2. Oh, we're going for something much more refined than a day in OUR house, lol....
    Though I will say, we rehearsed for an hour tonight and we couldn't stop laughing, more at our own ineptitude than the lines themselves, but whatever, it'll be fine.....
    (of course Avram can't shower now, b/c he WROTE HIS LINES ON HIS PALM!!!)
