Thursday, January 1, 2009

There Are No Words....

... to fully describe how amazing last night's Talent Nite was!
This was due, in very large part to our guests - every single one of whom got TOTALLY into the concept of the evening and performed their hearts out.
There was singing, there was piano playing, there were violin(s), there was magic, there was comedy, there was a group "build a better mousetrap" competition (you had to be there... suffice it to say, my team cheated won).
I laughed, I cried and i got all incriminating evidence on video ;)
Unfortunately for you, in order to do my act I had to hand the camera off and sadly, there was a glitch and it didn't record ( REALLY, I promise). 
Instead of posting that, I'll let you see Jen's act, because truthfully, hers was way better anyway - and I was totally SHOCKED.  Who knew my daughter had such talent? I think for 11 she's got great attitude.  It's a pity that by next year she'll be bas mitzvah (Eric says we should hold next years party in October...).

More updates may follow (pending signed releases.....) ;)


  1. your family is soooo cute. Your daughter was great. I just came to check out your sight after seeing it awarded by the babysitter.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. sounds like fun. i'm sorry i couldn't be there :(

  4. Heyyyy I just wanted to watch this video and share it with someone but it says video is private :(( could you please let me watch it again? I looooove it!

  5. Sorry Dude -
    But after Jen's bas mitzvah she requested that we make the video private.
    I'm glad you enjoyed it though.

  6. Mazal Tov on her Bas Mitvah!! Can you at least share it with a girl? (i'll send you her email privately)
