Sunday, February 1, 2009

Releases Signed - Legal Mumbo Jumbo Disposed Of...

.... her people have spoken to our people.....

You've all waited so patiently and Louisa has kindly permitted me to post her New Year's Eve performance of William Balcom's Graceful Ghost.

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did! (I even learned what pizzicato is!)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Without having even watched it yet, I am sure it was very good, having once met the player. I'll comment again when I can get sound on this or another computer.

  3. Okay, not my favorite song, but very nice nonetheless.

  4. That's cute. But from my view I liked more Jen & Eric's performance. Actually I didn't know that was a girl until she took off her hat...

  5. Dude with hat:
    Just what an 11 year old girl wants to hear.....
    BTW, the earrings, bracelet and ring should have been a dead giveaway.....

  6. Um, I'm new to this blog so some things could be unexpected for me and I could say something stupid.

    I didn't pay much attention to looking into details of video during the first time I was listening to it. Then I already found couple of obvious signs such as earrings :)

  7. Don't feel bad Dude.
    Welcome to the blog!
    All visitors and all feedback is appreciated.
    I was smiling as I typed my last comment.
    I hope you are too.

  8. Pretty much too :)

    So let me ask a personal question - is that you in that video?

  9. Don't I wish I could play ANY instrument like that!!
    Sorry but no.
    Read back to my Jan. 1 post - though I would have been more than happy to post a video of my husband and my rendition of "I Remember It Well" from Gigi, the videographer neglected to hit the "record" button... ah well... maybe next year....

  10. Ok, so she is your daughter. Is Eric your son too? Getting little bit accustomed...

    And is that your house? Looks terrific!

  11. Nope - Sorry again.... neither one is blood related.
    We do try to make guests feel like family though :)
    The best way to get to know the gang is to read up on old posts.
    Your feedback is most appreciated.
