Sunday, February 1, 2009

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

A male member of my household (who is sick of having his name mentioned here, hence the anonymity) mentioned to me recently how he couldn't understand a conversation that went on around him a week ago.

It was a particularly snowy day and the area he was in had turned into a slushy bog of sorts. Safely ensconced in a building, he was informed by one of  a bevy of young ladies that she and her cohorts couldn't go outside because they "didn't want to ruin their boots".

THEIR BOOTS?!??!, he wondered.....

This makes perfect sense to me, as a woman (who herself owns three pairs of boots she wouldn't trudge through the snow in - and the one pair of boots that WOULD qualify for this journey would NOT be worn under any other circumstances.....) but no sense at all to the male mind.

I guess it's just one more of those things.......


  1. Yeah boots are what you go out in, in the snow, dont get it either.

  2. I totally understand. There are actual SNOW and RAIN boots, which can be worn outside in inclement weather, and then there are winter boots that are just for show, like the fancy china that you keep in the breakfront but never actually eat off of. It's complicated being a girl.
