Friday, March 6, 2009

Take THAT Con Edison!!!

Last month we bought what seemed like a whole truckload of the energy saving flourescent light bulbs.  Before you start cringing, let me tell you that they've come a long way since they first came out.
They are not that harsh white light anymore.  They come in a softer incandescent look too.
They don't only come in that unsightly 'coil' anymore.  You can get them in normal lightbulb shapes, as well as globes. (The only thing I couldn't find were 150 watt equivalent globes and small chandelier flames)
We replaced most of the lightbulbs that we could find suitalbe replacements for.
The result?
Our electric bill was more than $50 cheaper this month!!!

(Full Disclosure Time:  I found that the globes do take about 10-20 seconds to warm up before they are giving their full light.  If you're running to the bathroom for a "quick trip", it might be a bit dim until you are already washing your hands.... ;) )


  1. I'm glad to hear that those lights have improved (although the new shape looks quite ugly). Off topic: Perhaps consider another YouTube submission from Tuesday afternoon ( know). It's good publicity.

  2. i find that the energy saving bulb never last as long as the packages claim.
    i keep on saying that i'm going to buy the bulbs at costco and return them after they burn out because they didn't live up to their packaging (costco should take them back)

  3. Anonymous:
    Permission to post Tuesday afternoon's festivities has yet to be obtained from the Grammen-meister....
    Care to lobby to him directly?
    I'm all for it... :D
    But I must ask... good publicity for WHOM??!?

  4. I was afraid my comment would be too obstruce. Although the grammen would be very very entertaining, I was actually referring to part of the services in shul prior to the seudah and I meant publicity for the kehillah. If you still don't know what I am talking about, I take all the blame.

  5. There are chandelier lights in CF at least in the Midwest). work great!

  6. Anonymous.... {light bulb goes appropriate....}
    How could I have been so dense!
    I get it now, and yes, it's a good idea!
    Let me see what I can do....

    Jron - the chandelier bulbs are these huge "torpedos" that are much larger than our current "flames"... too clunky looking....

  7. Just to semi-defend the company that pays my salary: Con Ed would love it if everybody used those bulbs; less electricity use means less work that we have to do on our systems. We're almost as bad as Phillip Morris in that we keep trying to get people to not use our product so much...

  8. We've been using these for a few years and the electric bills have been lower. We switched them out as they blew. Another advantage is that you do not need to change them nearly as often. Costco had the 10 packs on sale last week for under $8.
