Thursday, March 5, 2009

We Must've Done Something Right.....

Nothing gives a parent more nachas than watching their children grow into the kinds of "menschen" we hoped they would become.
I know I've said this before, but Joey is a pretty terrific guy.
I've thought back and forth whether or not to post this, and I've decided that if even one person is inspired by his actions (I know am), it is a worthwhile endeavor. 
As I mentioned earlier, Joey was laid over in San Diego during the snowstorm (this is not the part that makes him terrific).  He arrived home quite punchy, not having slept in over 27 hours (As a nice post script to my Alps post, he did tell me that it was quite awesome to watch the sun set over the Pacific Ocean, hop on a plane and arrive home in time to view it rise over the Atlantic).
He lay down for a couple of hours but by dinnertime he was itching to go to sleep again.  And THEN the phone rang.  A male member of the community is in the hospital and the family didn't want him to be alone at night.  So for the past two nights, on barely any sleep, Joey has been dozing (and I use that term loosely, especially considering a 2 a.m. room change) on a chair next to a patient in the local hospital.  Oh, and did I mention he gave blood (again) today as well?  He tried to go on President's Day but they wouldn't take his blood - apparently his iron levels were too low.... that won't stop Joey.... he'll just try again....
I'm glad that all that Torah that he has learned has found a practical application in his life. I'm glad to see that it has made him a better Jew.  


  1. wow! he must take after his mom :)

  2. In which yeshiva does he learn that they teach such nice middos ? Let us know.

  3. Your son seems like iron man, never stops, how can his blood iron levels be low.

  4. Good midos like that usually come from home, not yeshiva. (at least they get started there....) (Although Yeshiva helps....)

    Donating blood if his iron level is too low can be dangerous!!!!!! Please see that he gets his iron level up!

  5. Anonymous - Chofetz Chayim is one of those institutions that values not ony Torah learning, but derech eretz and middos as well.
    Rickismom - When he tried to donate a few weeks ago and they told him that his iron levels "weren't even close", I mentioned to him that it might be time to go for a physical and have this checked out. Instead he waited two weeks and tried again. His levels were up significantly and they were willing to take his donation.
    I think he just does too much sometimes...
    P.S. The patient was discharged from the hospital yesterday. It's nice to see Joey's bed getting a bit mussed for once ;)

  6. and i went to playgroup and did 500 piece puzzles with him when we were three... :)
