Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Another Ingenious Way To Keep In Touch With Far Away Family....

I am pleased to report that I am NOT one of those mothers that "texts" her children to come to the dinner table. I tend to prefer the more civilized, personal touch like shouting myself raw at the top of my lungs from the other end of the apartment "DINNER!!!" even though nobody hears me with earbuds in....

I like to feel "close" to my family. Heck, I like to feel "close" to strangers :)

This may explain why I enjoy reading what I call "slice of life" blogs. You know ..... the ones that draw you in and treat you like friends. Who knew that keeping in touch with strangers would help me keep in touch with family?

Imagine my surprise when commenting on one of the newer blogs on my Google Reader Blogroll last night, to see a follow up comment from another reader saying, "G6, Are you my Aunt S?" ... ummm "Yes!"... You know, I could've just picked up the phone.........


  1. You have such a great sense of humour!

  2. I have yet to have a relative comment on my blog. Well, not completely true, my sons did comment at least once, when the post was about them.

    I usually send a sibling or my husband upstairs to tell the other siblings that dinner is ready. I hate the screaming method.

  3. Leora -
    The funniest part was that it wasn't even on MY blog, but in the comments section of another person's blog.....!

  4. Hehe. We have a lot of family who blog occasionally. I know of a few families where everyone does, though.

  5. 1. my brother commented on my blog and even though he signed it, I somehow missed that it was him! so wierd.

    2. I like to ask one of my kids to go get the other kids. Inevitably, the child will scream his/her lungs out. After which I can be heard sighing and explaining "had I wanted someone to shout across the apartment, I could have done that myself!"

  6. As a third cousin once removed, let me just give you a shout out!

  7. SLiM and/or Mister Youngster -
    I'm glad to see you keep up with the blog.
    This branch of my family tree is laden with "blogfruit".
    Good luck on your newest project, and keep coming back here and commenting!

  8. See the internet brings us all together!

  9. Michal -
    With us, yes...
    Though some members of my household who have to vie for my real attentions might disagree.... ;)

  10. Anonymous to protect myself from my familyJuly 28, 2009 at 3:44 PM

    Wow. Sometimes I wish not everyone in my family would feel compelled to comment on my blog... But i get them back by deleting the comments.

    THEN I FEEL SOOOO POWERFUL. It's kind of like having an off switch for family. lovely.
