Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ruby Tuesday Meets "Scene Around Town"

Many of you may remember the beloved children's book entitled The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge, about a proud little lighthouse on the Hudson River and the bridge that looms high above it.

Well, for those of you that may not know this: that little lighthouse really does exist (Manhattan's only lighthouse) and it is practically in my own backyard.

I took this photo from atop the George Washington Bridge as I admired the "spunk" and determination of that little lighthouse that still stands tall in the shadow of the monstrous steel towers.

For more red themed photos visit Ruby Tuesday here.


  1. What a great perspective!!! I love this photo. Very well done indeed. Have a wonderful Ruby Tuesday.

  2. Great perspective was my first thoughts too! Really great shot!
    I haven't seen that book in a long time.

  3. I'm so glad you appreciate the great perspective.
    As you can imagine, my dear husband was none too happy with me hanging over the edge of the bridge to get it!!
    At least it was worthwhile ;)

  4. I HAVE this little book. It is so cool seeing the real thing in your photo. And lucky you that you can see it whenever you like. Happy Ruby Tuesday.

  5. It's so bright and cheerful light house! Lucky you to have it right in your area, and I love the perspective.

  6. I have always had a thing for lighthouses. Never been to one but keep hoping. Perhaps this cutie is where I should start.

    Love the shap and will have to check out the book.

  7. I love it! A great shot and a great tale.

  8. Nice shot. Usually lighthouses are so much bigger.

  9. That's the point...
    It is big! It's just dwarfed by the enormous bridge :)

  10. Thank you so much for all these WH photos. I love how you're bringing the neighborhood alive.

    How often do they paint that for it to be so red?

  11. http://www.flickr.com/photos/23021987@N06/3419892408/

    Has a a whole shtickle on this Light House. Ayin Sham.

  12. Very cool photo! I also like the perspective.

    Unfortunately I don't know the book, but thanks to you I do now. :-)

    Happy Ruby Tuesday ~

  13. The Little Red Lighthouse is REAL? How cool is that!

  14. and I thought the little red ilghthouse is a just a story and to find it that it's real is really cool. I really like the shot! nice! My RT is up too.

  15. Nice little red lighthouse. It was also a fine idea to show the book cover.
