Friday, August 14, 2009

I Feel Like I'm Pregnant

Ooooh, I'd better clarify that statement quickly before the gossip mill starts up and I begin getting pointed stares at my belly on the street.

I've been told that I move (and talk) rather quickly. I prefer to see it as *purposefully*, but we won't get into the semantics of it right now. When I was pregnant, there were times when I 'forgot' that I had a rather large mass protruding from my body and when I rounded corners (sharply, and at an impressive, *purposeful* pace) in my apartment, I'd often 'clip' junior and give him/her quite a jolt. (I will not admit to the fact that I may have once or twice possibly done it to them as babies when I was carrying them over my arm as well.... I will not.... )

We have recently installed a few new items of furniture in our apartment. I find myself consistently running in to them as I blindly round corners on my well charted paths. (and even more embarrassing - I'm left in a stunned stupor each and every time it happens....) You know how those new cars have sensors that beep when you are about to run in to something? Could I get one of those implanted maybe?


  1. (I will not admit to the fact that I may have once or twice possibly done it to them as babies when I was carrying them over my arm as well.... I will not.... )

    Ah, c'mon; my parents knocked me around all the time when I was a tot, and I turned out just...

    hmm, on second thought...

  2. New furniture? Meaning items were moved around?

    So does this mean that the painting was done? :-P

    Have a good Shabbos!

  3. tnspr -
    If you EVER EVER want to come back to our house again, do NOT, I repeat - do NOT mention the "P" word again........

    Excuse me now while I go find a paper bag to breath in to and a Valium......

  4. tnspr569 -


  5. We all "bump into things" by mistake. But I like how you described the way you walk as "purposeful".

  6. The last time that I rearranged the furniture in the living room everyone was walking around with black and blue marks on their shins and a lot of talk about moving things back to where they were. My answer was to get one of those little night lights and plug it in when the living room lights were out. Saved a lot of bruising and eventually we all got used to the new paths to take.

    Painting?!!! I'd rather have root canal work done. Less time involved and less pain too.

  7. ProfK -

    Finally - somebody who understands my aversion to painting! I feel such kinship right now.

    I may need to blog about this topic....

  8. So with you here. We need to paint and remove carpet. The idea, I like- the work, and the whole not breathing well thing... not so much.

    I'm also a "purposeful" walker. It has earned me 2 1/2 sprained ankles going down my stairs (do you have stairs?), and I have NEVER bumped a baby's head on the wall, never.

    AND, I have a kid who likes to move furniture for fun.

    Have a non-contusionary Shabbos.

  9. we recently actually painted and removed are carpet and put on a new floor...lots of work, but the workers were good about, o, and we also got a new door, we got it done in the winter even, so it was a bad time to have the door done, but it all got done pretty smoothly, we didn't even have to move out for it.

  10. Sorry - we just did a lot in my house - and I signed up to do some more before I go back to school.

  11. The fumes can be solved easily enough - low-VOC paints are one solution, among others.
