Thursday, August 13, 2009

Scene Around Town - Summer Cooldown Edition

I took this photo this past February and thought it might be just the thing to add a little "cool" to a hot summer day. I love the world when it is freshly dusted with snow. All the city sounds are more muted. Everything looks a bit cleaner and softer.
Stay cool today everybody and don't forget to DRINK.


  1. Nice picture.

    Is Joey's re-run going to be on national television or cable?

  2. if it ain't a rerun what is it?

  3. Joey has requested that I refrain from blogging on the subject any more.

    I apologize. Really, I do.

  4. BLD would like to see some more posts with a shtickle more Toichen. Hopefully we'll be seeing some long ones soon iy"h.

  5. BLD -

    Since you asked so nicely and took personal responsibility for the request this time (though speaking English would help your editorial cause even further) I will try to accommodate you as soon as my schedule permits.

  6. lovely picture but, REALLY?!?! don't you think some of us have had ENOUGH winter. It's AUGUST and where I live, we *just* got summer...please, let us enjoy it for the little time we have left.

  7. Finally it's hot enough to enjoy this picture.

    It's been pretty cold up until now.

  8. I appreciated the winter scape. It's good chinuch for people who think that all snow in New York is gray.

  9. Thanks for the coolness.

    You mean all snow in New York isn't gray? ;-)

    Shabbat Shalom.
