Monday, August 24, 2009

Not Me Monday

This was not me today as I kicked up my heels in Staples, oooh-ing and aaah-ing over all matter of pink/flocked/striped/polka dotted school "necessities". I certainly did not put anything and everything into my cart that Jen requested just to get that "Going Back to School" high buzzing through my brain. I surely cannot tell you in days/minutes/seconds how far off the first day of school is.

What kind of mother wouldn't want her child joined at the hip for the next 15 days, reading over her shoulder at the computer, sitting side by side with her at the office, talking incessantly all the while (commenting as she writes blog posts, "That's very mean, Mommy")?

I also did not, at my daughter's annual physical today, when told by the pediatrician that she was due for FOUR shots, urge him to give them all to her on the spot so I wouldn't have to sit in his hot, stuffy waiting room a second time. I also most certainly DID NOT give him that vague, confused look, when he mentioned to me that she hasn't had her bloodwork done in the last seven years. I most certainly did not pocket the requisition for said unnecessary bloodwork with the same enthusiasm and assurances that I did last year.

Now, head on over to MckMama's blog and see what everybody else hasn't been up to....


  1. You know, I think I'm ready for back-to-school too and I how I looooove school supplies! The girl mama's get the best choices though! It took me TWO target stores just to find a blue pencil box!

  2. Sounds like you guys had a great time at Staples, and a not so great time at the doctor's office. 4 shots at once? Poor kid ! Hope you have a wonderful week.
