Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Positive Experience In Boro Park

Doesn't that sound like an oxymoron?
It was with a fair amount of trepidation that I embarked on an excursion with Jennifer yesterday to purchase eyeglasses and a few other pre school year, pre yom tov items.
Since in the past I have never been reticent about my great love of these adventures, I figure that in the interest of honest reporting, I should let you know that yesterday went off without a hitch.
The eyeglass store was fairly empty, and it took us longer to choose our frames than for the finished products to be ready. Oh Nuts! did not have my cherry sours, but believe me, I came home with enough cashews and vienesse crunch to ease the disappointment. The guy behind the counter at Eichlers actually waited on me after he finished his half hour phone conversation when he got the chance. He also taught me something I never knew. Did you know that there is no way to figure out the size of tzitzis that a man wears unless he is present? Who knew?
In any case, after Jen and I treated ourselves to a slice of pizza and ran into friends in the process, we were duly informed why our experience had been so positive...... apparently ALL THE BORO PARKERS are still in the country!


    Although camps are over, the "country" season isnt just yet...lets enjoy it while it lasts!

  2. I'm thinking we should change the locks before they get back :D

    (and how should I know if you told me that if you're ANONYMOUS?!?!?!?)

  3. I can just see my menfolk if I told them they had to come with me to buy tzitzis. I just take an old one with me and tell them to give me the same one.

    I'm truly fortunate that my hubby works in the no mans land between Boro Park and Flatbush, although some Boro Parkers claim the territory since it's on THEIR side of Ocean Parkway. On the rare occasion I need something from there I let my husband get it. I, personally consider Boro Park as not on my state department's list of approved countries for me to visit.

  4. ProfK -

    You are too funny!

    As far as the tzitzis go, I could have brought home any number of sizes and they would have been donned with a grunt and a smile, whereas the salesman was making a federal case that even if he knew height, weight, suit size and social security number, there was NO WAY he could estimate tzitzis size......

  5. BLD asks: its been a couple of months how come no pictures of the teirer eineklach ?

  6. BLD -
    A couple of months since what? I don't believe I've ever posted their pictures.....

  7. haha! At times like these I feel thankful to live "out of town."
