Tuesday, September 15, 2009

שהחינו וקימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה

Every year, on the second night of Rosh Hashana, it is customary to eat one or more "new" fruits, that we have not eaten all year and make the aforementioned bracha.

Along with the "old standbys" each year, I try to buy several fruits that I have never eaten at all (and more often than not, never want to eat again...). I was very excited this year to find a plethora of exotic choices, though my favorite green figs are not yet in stock.

Extra points for those of you who can name all three fruits in the photo (the lighting doesn't do their brilliant colors and textures justice).


  1. I bought a lichee (lychee?) nut at our local Glatt 27. Those hairy things look kind of like a lychee nut. They had some of those hairy ones at the store, too.

    OK, I know the pomegranate, but is that a sabra you got there? Or something else?

    Shana tov. Happy prepwork.

  2. Very good, Leora.
    Though the pomegranate was a "giveaway", th "hairy things" are indeed similar to lychee nuts, though they have a different name.
    Additionally, that is not a sabra you see in the photo. :D

  3. The non-sabra is a dragon fruit. Seriously cool-looking, though I can't stand the taste. But I want to preserve it and hang it in the succah.

  4. Anonymous (sigh.... why can't people just say who they are???) -

    I'm not sure where you want your two Yuds, but my Rosh Hashana Machzor, my Roedelheim siddur and the Artscroll siddur all spell it just as I've written it.

  5. If my Google-refreshed memory is accurate, the lychee-like fruit is called a rambutan. My mother is likewise big on finding new exotic fruits, and she served 'em a few years back.

    Long as we're discussing lychees: back when I worked in the Wall Street area, I routinely bought fresh fruit from a street vendor. Periodically, he had lychees, and I'd practically buy him out each time. One day, he told me that they were from Israel. Seeing the skeptical look on my face, he reached under his cart and pulled out the original crate. Sure enough, Carmel importers' logo was stamped on the side! (Just goes to show how deep the Jewish-Chinese food connection runs... :) )

  6. Thanks for playing along everyone!

    The fruits identified were indeed the pomegranate (Leora), the dragon fruit (Staying Afloat) and the rambutan (excellent work efrex!!)

    They look so cool. As for how they taste.... I'll get back to you.

  7. They are Rambutan, Dragon Fruit & Pomegranate - all sold at Pomegranate!

  8. Pardon me, I just got to the blog. Iddn't read the messages. BTW, I saw them all together at Pomegranate this morning. I understand that I missed a few curiosities there, as they had run out of them.

  9. Yekkishe Bekkishe -

    Very impressive.

    Believe it or not, Pomegranate (the store) has been on my "wish list" to visit (along with DisneyWorld) since it opened, but I've never managed to get there.

    Maybe this coming year....

  10. The pomegranate is obvious. I think the furry ones are rambutan or something like that. The other one, I've never seen before.

    Shanah Tovah to everyone. Ktiva VeChatimah Tovah. May we all be blessed with a year of health, prosperity, and peace!


  11. i've been to Pomegranate-it's not that impressive, just bigger.

    Shana Tova to you and your family!

  12. Ahhh, now I am reading forwards, dragonfruit. I didn't recognize it. We had one a year or two ago, and it looked awesome (white-ish with small black seeds), but didn't have all that much taste. The kids didn't particularly care for it.
