Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Reason #1 Not To Hook Your Senior Citizen Parent Up With High Speed Internet....

.... you know that DSL line you got her?
Well, she's telling everybody that her children got her LSD!!!!
You might wanna do something about that Smiley Faces.

(it's on a whole new level from the other senior lady I know, whose children are in the process of buying her a "flaptop")


  1. I love that LSD needs a tag. And HAH! Double hah!

    BTW, here's an example of a printer you can get for the less tech savvy. You just plug it in, turn it on, and it prints out all email sent to the owner from selected addresses, including pictures.

  2. I love it! Reminds me of years back when my hubby mentioned that he had purchased a mouse for the computer and my mom turned to me and said "I thought you weren't getting any more pets?"

  3. Staying Afloat -
    What a novel gadget.
    I wonder what these people who annoy Treppenwitz would think about your product though, lol.......

  4. my grandmother once asked my dad when my sister would be "home" so she could call her cellphone...she now uses e-mail...and is well in to her 80's BA" don't laugh

  5. my grandmother is 80 BH and she just got a laptop last year.. doesn't mean she knows how to use it fully :)
