Thursday, September 3, 2009

What Happens When You Don't Blow Yekkish Teru'os ;)

(Hat tip: Jron & co.)


  1. Didn't notice any Yekkeshe T'ruous at KAJ last week. What's up with that?

  2. You must've had the wrong Baal Tokeah.
    There's one there who never learned the technique.....

  3. I never understood that either.

  4. Thats not nice. Nowhere does it say one must blow in that style. All the BTs at KAJ are great and accurate !

  5. BLD:

    Have you ever heard of Minhag Avoseinu B'yodeinu? One is obligated to treat an accepted minhag that has been handed down from generation to generation as if it were halochoh. No one said that the baal tokeiah at KAJ who blows the "non-yekkish" teruohs is not good or accurate. He most certainly is. But he is not following the minhag of the kehilla. Would it be okay if KAJ had the best baal korei but he leined in the "non-yekkish" tropp? I don't think so. Would it be okay if KAJ had a world class chazen but he davened nusach sfard? Most certainly not. So why should tekias shofor be any different? It is a well known fact that the gentleman in question was the son-in-law of a very prominent, active and respected member of the KAJ kehilla and it was his father-in-law who, at the time, put pressure upon the rabbinate to permit his son-in-law to blow the "non-yekkish" teruohs. It was never completely approved of but as long as there was always another baal tokeiah who did blow the yekkish teruohs it was tolerated.

  6. Naftali said...That is out and out Loshon Hara as if Rav Breuer could be swayed/bought by a rich father in law.

    Say like this: This is not a minhag that the Rabbinate thought/thinks was/is important. Not everything in KAJ is a carbon copy of FFM. Nor should it be. Nusach is not compulsive/obsessive disorder. Be happy that we were/are able to listen to both beautiful Shoforos. I miss it...

  7. BLD:

    The father-in-law in question was not a rich man and no one would ever dare insinuate that the Rabbinate of KAJ could be bought. By the way, I never mentioned Rav Breuer. Do you know something I don't?

    You are also incorrect when you imply that the yekkish teruos were only blown that way in Frankfurt. This way of blowing was common all over Germany. In fact, all of the baalei tekiah who preceded the gentleman in question were from Germany but none of them were from Frankfurt. To refer to the adherence to a nusach as "compulsive/obsessive disorder" sounds like someone who has a very big inferiority complex. If 70 years ago the founders of KAJ had your indifferent and compromising attitude towards our centuries old minhogim (most of which pre-date the more wide spread minhogim followed today) which most definitely includes our nusach hatefilah, nusach krias hatorah and nusach tekias shofor there would never have been a kehilla as we know it.

    I could go on but it is chodesh Elul and I will be don l'kaf zechus that you are well meaning and only want to make everyone happy. Unfortunately there is a time and place to compromise. I sincerely feel that at times like today when we are on the verge of losing the precious mesorah we hold so dear that any compromise would do far more harm than good.

  8. Come on you two, so what if he didn't blow a yekke teruah? It is still a kosher teruah. Minhag hamakom is to follow a minority psak how to blow, but it is still kasher!
    Please please refrain from bringing in politics. For note, I daven frequently at the 6 AM minyan, and I have no problem with it!

  9. Anonymous:

    No one ever said it wasn't a kosher teruah. If that were the question this would be a whole other issue.

  10. Regarding the "Yekkishe" Teruah issue, my father O"bm was from Munich & that is how he blew a Teruah! Furthermore, what is the basis for sayin this is only a Minhag and not Halocho? Remember, most years Tekias Shofar is a Chiyuv Midoraiso!

    If you look in both the Siddur Rav Amrom Gaon & the Siddur Rav Saadia Gaon, one finds that the Teruoh is one wavering sound, not nine separate sounds. This Shitas Hageonim is followed by most Sephardim as well.

    Upon the advice of Horav Simon Scwab Z"tl, I blow for myself - with a Brocho - prior to the regular Tekios in Shul.
