Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ruby Tuesday - Mid-life Crisis Car

This is what I call a mid-life crisis car. What is it about men and racy cars?
And no......... it isn't ours Smiley Faces
But to Avram's great delight, it was ours for 3 days. We had rented a nice practical economy car for our vacation up to Newport, RI. Unfortunately/fortunately, the rental place was out of cars, so they upgraded us to this lovely vehicle.

P.S. His birthday's coming up real soon......

Visit Ruby Tuesday for links to more red themed photos.....


  1. Nice picture!

    On a related note, what is your feeling about German cars? If they had offered a red BMW convertible would you have taken it or would you have asked for something (anything) else?

  2. I think its cuz by that time, even if you cant afford it, you think hmmm maybe I should get one anyway, my life is half over. ;)

    Nice RT!

  3. The appeal of a convertible car for a city driver is one that completely eludes me (as does the appeal of sidewalk cafes in midtown in the summer): who needs to breathe in the exhaust of everyone else's car? Nonetheless, I hope that you had fun shlepping up I-95 in your fancy wheels.

    I don't know what it says about me that I immediately recognized the awning of the B&B before reading the post. Good to see that the place has recovered from having eighteen members of our family staying there for shabbat a few months back. Highlight of the trip: the rav of the Touro Synagogue was my uncle's Hebrew School teacher back in the pre-historic days, and the two had a very emotionally warm reunion.

  4. Ah, Newport! A place to visit when my youngest can be on her own. I went there many years ago for the day with a friend.

    He looks like he is really getting a kick out of that car.

  5. There is nothing better than driving in a convertible! Even with a sheitel!

    I am neither male, nor (hopefully) at mid-life, and I LOOOOOOVE convertibles! The last time I rented one it was a little 2 seater Nissan Z roadster.

  6. So . . . . does he get his very own for his birthday?!?! Just think of the fun you would have....

  7. ☼¨`*•.♥Awesome CAR!♥.•*¨`☼
    Thanks for sharing!
    Have a Lovely♥Day!
    To view my Ruby Tuesday you can visit my kiddos blog @
    See ya!☺!

  8. Great pic! I love free rental car upgrades...but we always get nicer regular cars..never anything so sporty ;)

  9. I might consider having my own midlife crisis if I could have this perk. Not so much the convertible but the color of the car. No way I could ever lose that color car in a crowded mall parking lot.

  10. ProfK -
    Are you sure?
    They say that red cars are the most frequently targeted by vandals....

  11. My favorite car was my red Grand Am. I miss it, but love that I need my minivan!
