Sunday, October 11, 2009

Gone But Not Forgotten

After all the prepping, the planning and the cooking, Yom Tov has finally come and gone, but the wonderful memories stay with us for quite some time.
Personally, my favorite moments were ones with the family all together around the table or just relaxing and sharing special and spiritually uplifting moments.
We had the pleasure of Joey 2.0 (the "newer better" version from previous years) joining us for Yom Tov, along with all the children and grandchildren. If only one could take pictures on Yom Tov......

A short administrative note: Avram and I leave tomorrow to share in the bar mitzvah of my nephew in Switzerland. I hope to have internet and to continue to update you, but if posts are spotty, I will surely fill you in upon my return.


  1. Mazel Tov on the Bar Mitzvah. Tzeschem u'voachem b'shalom.

  2. Mazel Tov, have a safe & pleasant trip.
    BTW, I recognized Avrohom, but it took him a few seconds to figure out who I was! It was a bit of a disappointment not to hear the Chazon, but kudos to Refoel Weis for jumping in when needed.

  3. Mazal Tov, Nesiah Tovah and regards to Yael and Shimon.

  4. Mazal Tov! Enjoy and take pictures for us!

    Question- you use plastic plates but glass glasses?

  5. SA -

    We shlep down six flights and two blocks to get to our succah.

    You gotta draw the line somewhere ;)

    China for 9 or 10 is sadly impossible to transport.

  6. Since you live on the sixth floor, why don't you build a Sukkah on your roof?

  7. The plates didn't surprise me- the glasses did!

  8. Yekkishe Bekkishe -

    My uncle tried that one year many moons ago.
    All I need is for a stiff wind to come and blow 1,000 lawsuits in my direction.

  9. The first year I had my Sukkah it was on a second floor balcony. It still bears the scars of the severe wind storm that hit on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos 5751! Rav Dovid Feinstein Shlit"o happened to be passing by - he was at his brother-in-law in Flatbush at that moment! He told me how to tell the custodian - a Nochri - to rebuild the Sukkah.
