Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vacation - Day 1

(or is it day 2? Does the day of arrival really count???!?)

Well, here I am in sunny Switzerland.
I managed to pass through customs without much of a problem, despite my horrible cold, laryngitis, conjunctivitis, generalized post-YomTov-itis and the ENORMOUS Swine Flu Warning Posters splashed all over JFK airport. I've already begun to recuperate quite nicely though - - - after the meals the size of which we had on Succos, the prospect a week of no cooking and no dishes can be very therapeutic ;)

I landed yesterday in a horrible state, having not slept a wink on the flight and coughing up a storm. Some warm moments spent with family seen not nearly often enough, and a good night's sleep did wonders all around, and we set out today to do what every tourist must do - - shop for gifts for those back home. {grin/sigh}. I'm pleased to report that we spent more money on the same stuff available cheaper in the States were very successful in our endeavor. I will NOT (oh, yes I will) mention the adorable frying pan that I wanted to buy and Avram was less than thrilled to pack in our luggage. (He just couldn't see what was "adorable" about a frying pan ... ladies, you know what I'm saying, don't you?) I think he just didn't want to have to come back to the United States and have his buddies ask him to what he treated his wife on vacation and have to respond, "a frying pan....".

Excuse me. Gotta go now.... I'm off to get even by buying some Swiss Cheese to take up twice as much room as the fry pan.....


  1. Hey, don't forget that you've got some (okay, maybe just one) male readers who can appreciate the aesthetics of a fine piece of cookware, thankyouverymuch (although, granted, I'm much more likely to wax rhapsodic over my knives and immersion blender, but still)...

    Also, any husband who has the courage to provide his wife with a handled blunt metal object during a vacation deserves admiration, not scorn. (The real reason we don't have any cast iron cookware in the house: those things can HURT when smacked against your skull by an angry spouse...)

  2. Maybe you can research why Switzerland has not produced any Rabbis.
