Saturday, January 2, 2010


I was contacted last week by Scraps, who asked to come for a Shabbos meal. She told me that she will be bringing two friends, one of whom was, in her words, a "more well known" blogger than herself, who wants to remain anonymous for the time being and specifically requested an invitation to "Chez G6".

My excitement is twofold:
1) One more reader is a big enough fan of the blog to want to experience 'Coming To Dinner'.
2) Said fan is a fellow blogger whose work I likely read and admire and....I'm going to get to meet her!!

There are so many bloggers who I want to meet IRL. But I have to think about this logically.
It's a girl blogger.
She knows Scraps.
She reads my blog.
There are so many exciting possibilities! Could it be Something Different? We've talked about getting together (mostly for cooking) on more than one occasion. Or perhaps it's Bad4Shidduchim (even though she wouldn't include me in the Great Manhattan Ice Cream Meetup [single girls only])? Maybe (though I think it unlikely) it's Material Maidel (I don't even know if she knows Scraps. I've only included her because almost all male Shabbos guests who read my blog want to know if I know their "holy grail", MM...). The one blogger that I can rule out is frumcollegegirl because she's already been here.

But patience and reveling in the anticipation for its own sake is a skill that comes with age.
I remember when I was a young teenager and my grandfather, who was a big supporter of a certain Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel, always received from them each year as a token of appreciation, a choice esrog hand picked especially for him. My grandfather prized this exceptional esrog and awaited its arrival every year. One year I was present when the esrog was delivered. My grandfather thanked the delivery man and gently set the box on the sideboard. "Aren't you going to open it, Opa?". My grandfather chuckled and explained that as I got older, I would understand that the anticipation was part of the excitement. At the time I thought he was nuts. Now I understand....


  1. Ummm.... unless you are planning to leave your husband and DIPs to spend a Shabbos in the Heights with a single girl in her apartment - I'm pretty sure I can rule you out :P

  2. I thought it was about those bloggers who have graced your table. whoops, my error

  3. When did he open the esrog ? What is a sideboard ?

  4. Baked, a sideboard is a credenza--all clear now? Also can be known as a buffet.

  5. [sings]

    who's it gonna be? Who's it gonna be? Who, who, who who, who's it gonna be?


  6. SD -
    funny that you included a song in your comment, b/c my original title for this post was "Anticipay-aytion" in reference to this song, but nobody in my family got the reference so I skipped it.
    Meanwhile, the song is stuck in my head anyway :D

  7. I am so glad that I found your blog in 2009 and so look forward with keeping up with it in the New Year.

  8. Anyone know the difference between Self Rising Flour and 'Better for Bread' Flour ?


  9. BLD -
    I'm not sure how this is relevant to my post (probably because IT'S NOT) but I never can resist a cooking lesson (though I'd prefer to do this in person ;) )so here goes....
    Self-rising flour is all-purpose flour with added salt and leavening (baking powder).
    You will notice that recipes that call for self-rising flour do not call for baking powder.
    "Better for Bread" flour is also known as high gluten flour. It has the highest protein (gluten) content of any standard wheat flour.
    The gluten, coupled with water, makes the bread more elastic and also chewier. (Use this flour in pizza dough, bagels and of course, challah - NOT CAKES).
    We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming {sigh....}

  10. Guess who's coming to dinner?

  11. I'm still totally baffled.
    Do I get a hint?

  12. Sure. I'll tell you straight out. I'm coming.

  13. There is another musical reference one could make for "anticipation," but I'm sure that nobody would admit to recognizing it ("anticip...'say it!'...ation")

    vehamevin yavin. :)

  14. THIS coming Friday night.
    Sorry if I wasn't clear.
    I'm still baffled beyond measure.
    I feel like I should read up on "Dinner Guest"'s blog because there might be a test - but I don't know which blog it is....

  15. I'd give you a hint, but then the dinner guest would kill me, and she'd be out of a hostess for Shabbos. :)

  16. I'm not giving out ANY more information unless I get some!
    (go ask fcg to spill the beans... )

  17. could be me...but then id have to change my name to BLD

  18. me??? i'm just minding my own business, what did i do to deserve getting dragged into this???

  19. FCG -

    I have it on good authority that you spent some time last weekend with two of the possible "principals".
    Don't you go getting all 'innocent' on me. That's a sure sign of knowing something.
    (This is the thanks I get for a gratuitous link in my post... hmmph...)

  20. Oh, is that why FCG is going around asking people if they're going to dinner?

    For that matter, who's the leak about this? I have to go kill them. Or at least glare angrily. Or IM a glare.

    Wow - this is probably a huge hint.

  21. hmm...maybe I shall cancel and come another week! Then I will bring my bugs and worms

  22. Bugs & Worms?
    is that a hint?
    Does it have to do with a certain IM I had last night in which I referred to myself as a "scientist"?
    Couldn't be?
    Could it?

  23. That one is an impersonator! And a little strange too. Bugs and worms?

  24. Public Service Announcement -

    Dinner Guest 4:03 seems to have been an impostor.
    We're still not sure why...
