Tuesday, January 5, 2010

In My Own Little Chair

I'm not one who usually salvages items left out on the street (though when I see the "treasures" that other people seem to find, I often have second thoughts...), but when I saw this perfectly good, little wooden chair all forlorn and alone on the street, I knew I had to take it home and spiff it up for my Kayla.

Off I went to the hardware store for sandpaper to smooth out the rough edges and some pretty pink paint.
Although, I have grander schemes of putting her name on it, and it still needs another coat of paint, I think it's looking a lot better already.

I think every little girl should have her own "little chair", for reading, relaxing, imagining or just simply 'being', don't you? :D

(Kol Isha warning....)

Now if it turns into a "time out" chair, I'll be mighty annoyed ;)


  1. it looks gorgeous! Even before fixing up, it has that retro nursery school look that evokes such nostalgia...

  2. It was in fact discarded by our local nursery school.
    Apparently, I am more willing to use some elbow grease and do the necessary sanding and painting instead of spending money on brand new chairs than they are ;)

  3. I'm glad it was discarded by your nursery and not some random furniture on the street in a city with bed bug issues.

  4. Baked with Pride Lecho DodiJanuary 5, 2010 at 2:50 PM

    Finally a good use for the Jewish Press (see picture).

  5. Lecha Dodi

    I was thinking something along those lines.

  6. I would like to ask where the Cinderella song comes from!!!??? It was so cute!

  7. Louisa -
    Please see this, and if you can get your hands on a copy of the '65 version, it's really cute.

  8. For the completist, there's also a lovely version of the song on a very cute compilation album, featuring songs from different musical treatments of the Cinderella story.

  9. efrex -
    you are one scary dude :P
