Friday, January 8, 2010

For Creative Jewish Moms Everywhere

Readers of my blog know that I'm a sucker for celebrations and the decorations that go with it.

I wanted share with you this post by Creative Jewish Mom. Above is a photo of her very lovely Tu B'shvat decorations, which I am tempted to recreate this year in my own home. Tu B'shvat falls so nicely on Friday night this year (Jan 29-30), allowing for many wonderful Shabbos applications (in the past, I've attempted to serve all 7 "minim" at the Friday night meal. I may do that again). I'm curious as to all of your plans. Send ideas my way! Please!!

Jen had a lot of fun making the no sew fleece pillow also detailed on CJM's website (see photo of Jen's creation below). Check out some of her other posts as well. There's a lot of worthwhile content on her blog.


  1. these are such great ideas. i would love to start decorating my home/serving food for every jewish holiday, not just the biggies!

    in fact...ive thought about it before to serve a food every week based on the parsha. have you ever done that? any tips?

  2. Thats a hard thing to keep up especially on parshiyos like Metzorah, Pekudai or Masai. Our family does it sometimes by decorating a cake to a parsha theme.

  3. Shosh -
    For creative parsha ideas, check out Carolyn's blog. She hasn't posted in a while but the archives are awesome! (Don't miss the miniature shul or the sweet noodle kugel recipe :D )

  4. There's a whole Tu b'Shvat Seder you can make, complete with 4 cups of wine.

    We'll be doing a pot luck Shabbat lunch for our Seder.
