Friday, October 15, 2010

Food Photo Friday - Tie-Dye Cookies

As you can see, I've received my advance copy of Kosher By Design Teens and 20-Somethings and have already peppered the pages with Post-it flags for future use (Avram is going to go nuts for the Lemon Crumb Cake!).

My building (which, by the way, is just loaded with 20-Somethings....) is having a "get to know your neighbors" kiddush this Shabbos and I just couldn't wait to try out these funky and yummalicious cookies. Didn't they come out pretty?

I think I'm going to let Jen or Joey test the next recipe. I'll be in charge of the taste-testing :D

Don't forget - my official review of the cookbook comes out on October 20th, followed by the details of the cookbook giveaway contest.


  1. I think if you ask your 20-something neighbors, you'll find that "Kosher By Design... 20-Somethings" is actually redundant.

  2. WAdsworth3 -
    I'm not sure I understand...
    Please explain.

  3. I think this is a great idea more buildings/blocks should have it. I remember by parents block (in Brooklyn) had a Melava Malka years ago and my mother didn't know half the people there.

    I just can't wait for the contest....

  4. Just that Kosher by Design, Kosher by Design Short on Time, Kosher by Design Pessach Time, etc. are all widely used by the 20-something set. Which makes a special 20-Something book redundant.

  5. WAdsworth3 -

    You don't have to be in the 20- somethings to use the book its just the title and people in their 40's use the Kids in the Kitchen book and no two books has the same recipe and you could use short on time if you have plenty of time its just a title you dont have to be in that group to use it.

  6. (insert crotchety old man voice)
    Cookbooks for teens and 20-somethings? Harumph, I say! Give 'em a tattered and stained copy of "Joy of Cooking," as G-d intended.

    There's actually a worthwhile sociological study to be done in what cookbooks are the "must-have" for different age groups in different "eras." 20 years ago, the aforementioned "Joy of Cooking" was an absolute requirement (and still holds up extremely well, I should add). Sometime in the '90s, "Spice & Spirit" became the de rigeur reference for young couples for a few years before being blown out of the water by "The Kosher Palette."

    Don't kids these days just find recipes online like the rest of us?

  7. No Efrex, I just use recipes from Delights From The Heights.

    P.S. G6 has good recipes in there if anyone wants....

  8. G6, SO not what I would do for my first recipe from there! All that food coloring-ugh!

  9. Oh my - I love the look of those cookies!

    My guess is that it's a regular cookie dough recipe which is then separated into sections and food-coloring is added. Once you roll all the colors together, you form them in to balls (or cut them into circles and then roll them) and presto! There you have that colorful look.

    Did I get it right?

    Such cool looking cookies! I'm sure they were a hit!

  10. Morahmamela-

    G6 is just catering to her crowd she has a lot of 20-somethings in her building so she made something that they would like.

  11. Hey, I'm a 20-something too, and just the thought of it...ew. But hey, whatever they like is good! To each his own!
