Thursday, October 14, 2010

The People That I Meet Each Day

In the short one and a half blocks that I travel every morning on my way to work, I have become accustomed to seeing the same faces day after day.
I don't know these people, and yet the fact that we pass each other in nearly the identical spot each morning, creates a bond of sorts.
I see these people on some days looking fresh and eager for the new day, and on others, looking worn and beaten down before their work has even begun.
I'm often tempted to strike up a conversation with them, or share a small quip to get their day started on the right foot.
I can't help but wonder about these people, with whom I share no more than a barely perceptible nod.
More importantly, I can't help but worry when a few days go by and they DON'T appear.


  1. I once had a bus driver I took nearly every morning to work (years ago) , who made a point of talking to his early morning customers...

  2. This is, of course, a requisite New Yorker sensation, along with your personal homeless person (you know, the one that you regularly support so that you don't feel guilty ignoring the others).

    A while back, I found out that I was someone else's "regular stranger" when a gentleman in the subway asked me about the M60 bus schedule, noting that he saw me take it every day.

    Sometimes, you can even find pretty good music thanks to those people.

  3. I totally know what you mean! I feel the same way when I dont see someone I always do!! Same with the newspaper guy in the subway:) I love how he knew exactly when I had my baby and how old she is.....

  4. My friend and I used to see the same father and with his sons every day on the way to school...we were able to time how fast or slow we were walking by where we met up with them!

    I also used to have a regular bus driver I always met. I hate taking that bus ever since he left the route...


  6. I feel this way about the homeless guys on the train every day when i see them i get my daily entertainment and i don't feel i get my monies worth when i ride the subway when they are not there.

  7. If these are Jews they are Kiruv Oppurtunities!

  8. Anonymous 6:10:

    You're right inside my head!
    I was going to title the post, "The People That You Meet, When You're Walkin' Down The Street...", but I thought that not enough people would get it.....
    Glad SOMEBODY did anyway :D

  9. G6, I got it! And I loved that video-flashback. I can'tbelieve that's Bob.

  10. My sister had a guy she rode the train with everyday, she dubbed him Headphones Guy, he wore those really big headphones that belong in a recording studio. As a typical New Yorker, she often fell asleep on the train, one day she almost slept through her stop when Headphone Guy woke her up and told her it was her stop.

    And I've had times where I'd meet the people I see every day in other places, we give each other a look, figure out where we know each other from, then come the knowing smile, and we move on.
