Friday, November 5, 2010

Food Photo Friday - Big Dogs In Blankets

Another big winner from the new Kosher By Design Teens and 20-Somethings Cookbook!
Giant franks in blankets with "the works" (mustard, beans, sauerkraut) baked right inside.
Two thumbs up.
(Though I must say, I didn't have the same kind of luck with the Lemon Crumb Cake.... hence no photo.... what a pity....)


  1. It looks amazing i just want buy the cookbook (since Mrs. S not me won it) and make that. I am so tempted by that its not fair.

  2. YB -

    Doesn't look all that complicated: Get your favorite brand of hot dog, slit lengthwise, stuff with your version of "the works," wrap in pastry dough, brush with egg wash or egg white, and bake.

    Also, have your cardiologist on speed-dial... :)

  3. Those look great!

    Hmmm, I wonder how landjeiger in blankets would come out? Would the meat absorb some of the moisture from the dough?

    Shabbat Shalom everyone.

  4. Similar to deli roll, but much classier.

  5. my family actually lobes these I forgot about them , thanks now I know what's for dinner tonight

  6. There are so many amazing recipes in that cookbook! I want to make everything, all at once.
    I saw this recipe, and your pictures make it look simply mouth-watering :)
