Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday's Wacky Signs - When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go....

A little background on this one.....

The local Yeshiva recently "shuffled" some classrooms around, and what was once the elementary school building for both boys and girls classes, is now the preschool boys and elementary boys building.

This building originally had one "Boys'" and one "Girls'" bathroom.

Somebody (and I'm not naming names), in a stroke of decision-making genius, decreed that the preschool boys couldn't possibly share a bathroom with the elementary boys. (Why? How should I know??!?). They decided to turn the old Girls' bathroom into a Preschool Boys' Only bathroom. They didn't bother to consider that this decision might cause a bit of an "uncomfortable" (to put it mildly) situation, for all the female office workers and Morahs in the building.

And so, after much crossing and uncrossing of legs, THIS SIGN was born.......

Go figure.......


  1. You gotta to be a guy to understand it. Did you by any chance see the sign at choir practice last night and that means more choir rehearsal videos for the blog?

  2. LOL. I think it may be time for a little remodeling, to add in a "Teachers Only" bathroom.

  3. Evidently no one appreciated my idea of turning the top floor of the girls' high school building into apartments. (It's an unbeatable location.)

  4. Um, and now the female teachers are comfortable?

    Incidentally, I was wondering for many years when someone would decide that it's not frum to have boys and girls in the same building.

  5. ya think all the wet paper towels I threw on the the ceiling finally fell down? and G-R-O-S-S- who wants to share toilets with pre 1A boys?? probably only trained a year or two?? some older adult MALE for sure made that decision.

  6. I think this has to do more with the fact the elementary classes for the boys and girls used to be there so you need a bathroom for each. But now the preschool and elementary boys are there so they both can not use one bathroom there are too many kids and it does not make sense that the 2 female teachers have their own bathroom so they changed it to the preschools bathroom and one stall is for the teachers. Not that the elementary doesn't let the preschool use their bathroom.

  7. Where were the staff bathrooms before - they have secretaries and used to be many female teachers on the elementary floor.

    Does this mean the 3 year and 4 year old nurseries are now separate for boys and girls?
