Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Frum on Jeopardy!

A frum woman named Gitta Neufeld - a "Judaic Studies Teacher Trainer" from Far Rockaway, won over $18,000 on Jeopardy! tonight.
She entered the Final Jeopardy round in second place, but upon seeing the category was "Old Testament", she bet all but $100.
Smart move.
She knows her Iyov ;)
Good for her.
Mazel Tov.


  1. I'm sure she said Rav Schwab Pshat also

  2. Yekke Wannabe -
    All I'm going to say is that she has definite ties to our little neck of the woods ;)

  3. we watched it! her son is a good friend of Mr. FCG so we cheered her on.

    it was like watching Joey on Millionaire all over again, very exciting :)

  4. she's my brother-in-laws aunt :)

  5. She was my daughter's principle in Rebbitzin Bulka's school.
    She is a wonderful human being besides being very bright.
    Hatzlacha !!!!!!!

  6. So where's the video clip?

  7. Sheesh - Must I do EVERYTHING for you guys?!?!?
    I've added the clip.
    Enjoy :D
    And feel free to revisit Joey's Millionare appearance if you want more.

  8. Thanks. I looked for the clip, but you made it a lot easier. Keep posting!

  9. She shouldnt have shook his hand. Its ossur.

  10. It's also ossur to make a huge chillul Hashem, and there are rabbanim who say you make shake hands in order to avoid humiliating someone. I would say that this was one of thise cases, and also to forestall the many non jews watching jeopordy from comments about how she wouldn't, ect, which would have been a bigger chillul Hashem. You should probably learn something and get out in the big wide world before making comments like that.
