Friday, April 15, 2011

Food Photo Friday - Pesach Fingers from Joy of Kosher

These beauties come from the new Joy of Kosher magazine with Jamie Geller.
They are entitled Pesach Fingers.
I like everything about them, except the name.
I'd rather call them Chocolate Dipped Almond Fingers.
But don't worry about what to call them. Everybody's mouth will be too busy chewing to call them anything.


  1. I read somewhere that the frum world no longer refers to these confections as "ladyfingers" because mentioning ladies is pritzus. And it might be true. As far as I can tell, the rest of the world still calls them ladyfingers.

  2. yum, i am on my way over. we used to call them babyfingers.

  3. Those look really good - even after pesach!

  4. We just made these, they taste delicious, better save some for Pesach.

  5. thanks for the post! i really want to try them for the second days. just wondering do these cookies come out chewy or crunchy?

  6. There is a "chew" to them, but I suppose if you want them tres crispy, just leave them in the oven longer ;)
    They are UTTERLY AWESOME!!!

  7. Thanks for the post! i cant wait to try them for the second days. just wondering do these cookies come our chewy or crunchy?

  8. yay! ive been looking for a chewy cookie. Cant wait to try them!!!
