Did you ever climb in to a brand new automobile and get all excited about that "new car smell"?
Well, on a slightly smaller scale, I had that feeling this past Friday when I ripped open my Priority Mail package from the folks over at Joy Of Kosher, and inhaled that "hot off the printing presses" aroma of Jamie Geller's inaugural issue of Joy of Kosher magazine.

I didn't know what to expect, considering the large influx of Kosher food magazines hitting the market lately. But I'll tell you what I noticed right off the bat.
The photos are STUNNING!
There were a LOT of dishes that made me say, "Hey! I'm going to try that!".
There were several dishes/presentations that made me say, "Hey! Now why didn't I think of that?!?".
There were more mouth-watering recipes than advertisements. (A pet peeve of mine)
This magazine is professionally presented without appearing pretentious.
This magazine is professionally presented without appearing pretentious.
Real food. Real YUMMY LOOKING food. Real SIMPLE recipes for yummy looking food.
With Pesach coming, who can't use a few new ideas?
And with such Pesach recipes as Caramelized French Roast, Beef Cigars, Chocolate Meringue Stars with Raspberry Sauce and Two Tone Zucchini Frittata - there's more than enough to entice.
I wouldn't be surprised if you see some of those recipes turn up on future Food Photo Fridays.
So now here's where YOU get to get in on the fun too.
The first five (USA only, sorry...) readers to send me an email at guesswhoscoming2dinner@gmail.com (leave a comment telling me you did, while you're at it) with your mailing info, will receive a brand spanking new copy of your own. Ready? Set. Email!!!
I will pick another three winners at random from all the remaining emails that come in, to receive a copy as well.
Two MORE copies (yes folks, that's TEN copies in all) will go to the two readers who leave me the most humorous/entertaining Pesach related story that they share in the comments section. Pesach cleaning. Pesach cooking. Seder mishaps (Oh, do I have a good one... Paprika... that's all I'm going to say....). Anything Pesach related.
The deadline is Wednesday at 9 pm, my time.
UPDATE: The fastest five are gone, but there are still 5 copies remaining. Send me an email with your address (3 random winners), and/or send me a funny/entertaining Pesach related story (2 winners).
If you're not a winner, the magazine is currently being distributed for purchase in locations across NY, NJ, Baltimore and Canada, with more expansion planned soon, but you can always order yourself a copy here.
I sent you an email, I would lOVE to win the cookbook... thanks for running the contest - and for justifying my sitting at my computer for a minute instead of cleaning!
You sure are!
But it's a cooking MAGAZINE, not a cookbook..
It's really nice though. I can't wait to try some of the recipes.
How smart that they are so Pesach friendly!!!
You'll love it!
If you send in a review, I may include it on the blog.
I would love to win the magazine also, and i am always looking for new pesach recipes.
My pesach mishap story is a couple of years when I was helping out my mother before pesach with baking, so i was just finished making potato kugel i put in the oven and my mother asks me why is there Pine-Sol bottle on the counter? Oops i put in pine-sol instead of oil, that was the end for me of baking for that Yom Tov.
I'm a sucker for pretty food photos! I've sent an email...
Proud Mommy -
The photos are gorgeous.
You look at them and you can't help but want to try the recipes.
And the ingredients are so NORMAL!
You're the fourth of the fastest 5!
I e-mailed! :)
I've heard Jamie Geller is great. My wife is a fan, too.
I sent an e-mail!
Last year I spent first days in Monsey (where there are NO goyim. The weather was LOUSY and erev pesach the power went out a couple of times, which reset the fridge controls. First night seder we must have opened the door at least 3 times before we realized that the light was on. We left the door open and went searching the neighborhood in the hopes that someone had a non-Jew helping them. We didn't find anyone, but we got stuck at someone's door so we could weigh in on which of their marror options was stronger.
We ended up using the postman the next day, but it did create an adventure in the middle of the seder.
OK - great story. Years ago, when my sister was in 12th grade, she had the foresight to pack surprise notes in all the packed up Pesach stuff so that the next year we'd find them and think of her as we were getting ready for Pesach when she was in Israel.
Six years later, when I was in Israel, my oldest brother and sister-in-law told my father (who can be a little slow on this stuff) to check the afikoman bag we use - maybe I left a message. He rolls his eyes, reaches in, and says "Hey, there's something there!" He pulls out... a sonogram!... and stares blankly at it. My mother rushes over to give my sister-in-law a hug, and my father is just sitting there, confused: "What is this?"
Now every year we tell him to check the bag, and he insists he knew all along what it was and what it meant. :)
I emailed u
I've sent you an email with my address to be in the drawing for Jamie Geller's magazine. Thanks!
I'd love to get a copy of the magazine so here goes my story.
I was dashing around one erev Pesach and not paying the attention I should have to my cooking. Somehow a red potholder accidentally found its way into the stewed meat and vegetables I would be serving for the seder meal. When my hubby was dishing out the meat to the guests he assumed that that large red piece was just something I had forgotten to cut up, so he took a knife and cut it into pieces before serving everyone (nice and soft and juicy at this point). Most people thought it looked a bit strange on the plate and left it there. However a couple of guests ate their "new" vegetable and one even complimented me on finding something new to be able to serve on Pesach. The other guest merely said "it could use a bit more salt but it's pretty good."
Under the pretext of refilling the serving bowl I rushed the dish into the kitchen and picked out all the stewed Potholder-ato.
I'm now in the habit of counting my potholders as I'm cooking--once was enough.
we keep lots of our pesach stuff in garbage bags in the garage (like dishpans, boxes, etc.) one year pesach we took down all the garbage bags, one seemed a bit odd in terms of it's contents. and when we opened it we saw we had put away a bag of garbage- potato peels, empty leben containers, etc. quite gross at the time, but entertaining now...
So Jamie,
Not only am I kosher curious, but my son is coming home from (a Chassidic) Rabbinical School on Wednesday for 28 days and I’m kosher panicked! I really need to win your informative recipes with the lovely pictures!
I am too tired from Pesach cleaning to remember any funny stories, but thanks for sharing about the new magazine--it is great that there is a new kosher magazine option.
i just found your wonderful website!
it will keep me busy :)
also can you tell me how to buy the new joy of kosher jamie geller magazine?
it isnt working at the joy of kosher website and i want this issue so!
much thanks , alison
Alison -
I tried the link on the Joy of Kosher website.
It worked for me.
It sends you to Paypal - a secure ordering site.
If you continue to have trouble, email me and I will put you in touch with somebody over there.
I think you did this just so you can find out who BLD is in real life!!
I'm sending you an email with my pesach story :-)
Also, can you tell us who the first 5 winners are?
I can't say it better than I said it a few years ago. Go check out "A Real Chavayah, or Ushpizin Meets Our Pesach Seder."
And the winners are......
OK, folks.
The results are in.
The "fastest 5" were:
Yekke Wannabe
A from Monsey, NY
N from NY, NY
The funniest stories winners are:
cuzzin buzzin
(I couldn't narrow it down to two so the kind folks at Joy of Kosher agreed to throw in an extra copy)
The remaining random winners, chosen from emails received are:
E from Philadelphia, PA
D from Elizabeth, NJ
Congrats to all the winners.
Come back and tell us how you enjoyed the magazine.
All you non-winners, there is another cooking magazine giveaway right around the corner.
Winners who haven't already done so - please email me your mailing info.
Guys, this magazine is gorgeous! I am definitely trying out at least a few of the recipes for Pesach. The caramelized french roast is at the top of my "to try" list. And the zucchini and pepper saute.
I made the meatball soup with a few adjustments - more meatballs without adding more liquid (I wanted a more stew consistency, a bit more vegetable, etc. It was amazing and it went over REALLY well. I made double the meatballs for 7 people (the original recipe is for 6 people) and had only one left. Successful in my book...
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