Friday, November 25, 2011

KAJ Choir Sings Bendigamos

The Choir of KAJ went out on a limb yesterday and added an unsual piece to their repertoire when performing at the Moriah Senior Center.

Who would expect that along with the traditional renditions of Mizmor L'Dovid, Lecho Dodi, Tzaddik Katomor and even an old Carlebach favorite, Eilecho, one would hear the beautiful Ladino bentching, BENDIGAMOS?

According to Wikipedia:
Bendigamos is a prayer said after meals according to the custom of Spanish and Portuguese Jews. It is similar in meaning to the Birkat Hamazon that is said by all Jews. Bendigamos is said in addition to Birkat Hamazon. The text is in Castilian (Spanish language). The prayer was translated by David de Sola Pool. … The melody is that of the “Az Yashir".

Bendigamos al Altísimo,
Al Señor que nos crió,
Démosle agradecimiento
Por los bienes que nos dió.

Alabado sea su Santo Nombre,
Porque siempre nos apiadó.
Load al Señor que es bueno,
Que para siempre su merced.

Bendigamos al Altísimo,
Por su Ley primeramente,
Que liga a nuestra raza
Con el cielo continuamente,

Alabado sea su Santo Nombre,
Porque siempre nos apiadó.
Load al Senor que es bueno,
Que para siempre su merced.

Bendigamos al Altísimo,
Por el pan segundamente,
Y también por los manjares
Que comimos juntamente.

Pues comimos y bebimos alegremente
Su merced nunca nos faltó.
Load al Señor que es bueno,
Que para siempre su merced.

Bendita sea la casa esta,
El hogar de su presencia,
Donde guardamos su fiesta,
Con alegría y permanencia.

Alabado sea su Santo Nombre,
Porque siempre nos apiadó.
Load al Señor que es bueno,
Que para siempre su merced.

Hodu Lahashem Ki Tov Ki L'Olam Chasdo

Let us bless
Let us bless the Most High
The Lord who raised us,
Let us give him thanks
For the good things which he has given us.

Praised be his Holy Name,
Because he always took pity on us.
Praise the Lord, for he is good,
For his mercy is everlasting.

Let us bless the Most High
First for his Law,
Which binds our race
With heaven continually,

Praised be his Holy Name,
Because he always took pity on us.
Praise the Lord, for he is good,
For his mercy is everlasting.

Let us bless the Most High,
Secondly for the bread
And also for the foods
Which we have eaten together.

For we have eaten and drunk happily
His mercy has never failed us.
Praise the Lord, for he is good,
For his mercy is everlasting.

Blessed be this house,
The home of his presence,
Where we keep his feast,
With happiness and permanence.

Praised be his Holy Name,
Because he always took pity on us.
Praise the Lord, for he is good,
For his mercy is everlasting

More videos from this event will follow shortly, but I'm interested to know who of my readers are familiar with or sing Bendigamos at their table.


  1. Very emotional and moving. Knowing Avraham Gutman for many decades i know he is doing a wonderful job.

    Moshe Krausz

  2. Wonderful and moving. KNowing Avraham Gutmann for many decades i know how wonderful a job he is doing.
    Moshe Krausz

  3. I got sent this link through a link on Rafi's "Life in Israel" blog, so I don't really qualify as one of your readers, but in answer to your question, my family sing Bendigamos at all of our Shabbat meals. We now live in various places in Israel having left Spain for Portugal, then Holland and then England (with an ancestor of mine believed to have been the first President of the Spanish & Portugese shul in London in 1701).
    David Corre
