Friday, November 25, 2011

More Tradional and Popular Melodies Sung by the Choir of KAJ


  1. Thanks for posting.

    Elecho - Why is the accent on the middle of v'chonainee instead of at the end of the word the way the song is generally sang?

  2. Anonymous -
    It is sung that way, because that is the grammatically correct pronunciation of the word.
    Seymour Silbermintz, z"l, who arranged the version which the choir sang, wrote it this way.

  3. What happened to the Benedigos--or however it's spelled--the Ladino bentching. It was such a beautiful rendition. Why was it dropped from this link?

  4. Unknown -
    Bendigamos was so exceptional that it got it's own post, immediately preceding this one.

  5. Would you be able to tell me what Ma'ariv davening is on Sunday Shabbos Chanukah (December 24). I haven't been to Breuer's before and would like to see the Menorah lighting and hear the correct ashkenaz melody for the brachos as well as the choir sing Maos Tzur. Thanks.

    Just Another Jecke

  6. Friday evening (12/23) Hadlokas Neiros followed by Mincha and Kabbolas Shabbos is at 4:20.

    Maariv in Motzoei Shabbos (12/24) is at 5:20.

    Mincha on Sunday (12.25) is at 4:40

  7. on the Sunday I assume Hadlokas Neiros right after mincha follwed by Ma'ariv, correct?
