Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Chanukah Approaches - Let The Insanity Begin

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry about this one....

A must have! Menorah kit includes:
  • Tin can for used wicks
  • Plastic bag liners for tin can
  • Scissors
  • Wick remover
  • Wick adjuster
  • Digital timer
It's a wonder we've managed all these years without a dedicated receptacle for our used wicks and a timer (!!) to grace our menorah display. What is next????


  1. This Hidur Mitzvah just like the biggest Menorah you can buy. Why call it insane ?

  2. This strikes me as something more suited for Purim rather than Hanukkah, oops...I meant CHANUKAH :P

  3. I saw it in the Kollel Store in Boro Park and wondered the SAME EXACT THING. Where in Washington Heights do they sell Chanukah Supplies?

  4. This product can be purchased online or at the local Key Food store.

    I can't wait for them to come out with the "deluxe version". Perhaps a SILVER PLATED garbage tin.....

  5. They forgot the tuning fork to make sure that the singing is on key!

  6. I saw it in Key Food and was torn between rolling my eyes and admiring the entrepreneurial spirit. It would make a cute gag gift for someone new to Yiddishkeit, maybe. A gag gift only, because the merchandise is of the most shoddy quality and the "wick trimmer" will probably give up the ghost halfway through Chanuka.

    But, seriously, this is nowhere nearly as eye-rolling as peanut-butter-with-jelly-swirl-in-a-jar. What, have Americans grown so lazy and stupid they can't figure out how to get peanut butter and jelly onto the same sandwich from two separate jars?

    Only in America, kinderlach, only in America.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hiddur mitzvah is embellishing, not necessarily VIA wanton spending. This kit seems wasteful. Take that same money and spend it for Hachnassas orchim. That would be beautiful

  9. I once heard about the ladies who buy their husbands fancy Menorahs, its like buying a beautiful house to put up a nice Mezuzoh and they should get a glass Menorah with silver cups

  10. My third grade daughter made a beautiful Lucite receptacle for wicks and assorted Menorah detritus. It was a project in school, was decorated beautifully, and will actually be used!

  11. What, nobody ever heard of attractive, decorative ashtrays, emptied on a regular basis, i.e. immediately?

    Spare me from single-use items and unnecessary plastic.
