Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gearing Up for the Second Annual "Pirsum Project"

Things at the G6 household are slowly inching forward in the Chanukah spirit.
Once again this year, I welcome your menorah photos, Chanukah "kitsch" photos and any other submissions that might marginally fit the theme of the Guess Who's Coming To Dinner Pirsum Project.
Send submissions to and tell me how/if you would like to be credited.

Now for the big question: Will adding gelt on top of the dreidels be overkill?
Now for the obvious question: Who wants to guess how many dreidels are in the glass?
Remember to check out this photo for sizing.....


  1. I dont think it'll be overkill because they'll probably be eaten not long after you put them out...

  2. I think I would mix them in rather than lay them on top

  3. I'd skip the gelt, divide the dreidels by color, and layer them color by color in there.

    Yep, I'm crazy like that.

  4. Guess how many dreidels without offering a prize?! No giveaway for the one who guesses closest to the right amount? Skip it.
