Friday, April 20, 2012

History Tends to Repeat Itself.....

Those of you who enjoy following Joey's trivia aspirations, may enjoy the next story in his "Road To Jeopardy (one day...) " saga.

Joey applied to be a contestant on a British trivia show entitled The Chase, that is filming a pilot in the United States. Representatives from the show called Joey yesterday. They were interested in bringing him for a final audition for the pilot episode as a contestant. But first, he'd have to pass a trivia speed test. In Joey's words, he "murdered" it. (For those over the age of 25, that seems to be a GOOD thing nowadays..... like saying something is "sick".... Who knew?)

They then told Joey the singular date that they would be in New York to conduct auditions.
Guess what?
It was a Shabbos!

(of course when Anglophile Avram heard that participation in the pilot episode would include an all expenses paid trip for TWO to London, he briefly toyed with the idea of asking a shaaloh {you DO know that was a joke folks, right?!?!?}).

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