Sunday, November 21, 2010

The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

So today we attended the "Parent's Brunch" at Joey's law school.
We were greeted by members of the Parents Association and had a delicious brunch as we watched an informative and entertaining promo video about the school.
Who attends a law school parent's brunch?
400 parents. The very same parents that walked their kids to the bus stop, chaperoned the trips, ran the fundraising sales and volunteered in the classrooms. The parents that made their children's education their top priority and walked them to and from the extracurricular activities and the library. It's a natural progression for these parents to finish off this "walk" on a post-graduate level and be as proud now as we were on that very first day of nursery school.

What has changed?
What has stayed the same?

In the changed category, I would have to describe the classrooms of today. Though the blackboards remain - they get little if any use, and there are white boards and projection screens overlaying them. Every desk has a power outlet available, and when class is in session, they are all in use.

What remains the same? Well, suffice it to say that Joey won't let me post the picture that I took of the inside of his locker......


  1. i didnt know such a thing existed!! thats amazing! i keep thinking of how i want to "freeze" these school years!

  2. sl -
    I guess you missed my earlier post on this topic....

    Read now, and enjoy ;)

  3. LOL!! Thanks! i still think it's so cute that they have this! Never too old to be part of your childs schooling (although i do hear your point about the trips:) )!

  4. I hope it wasnt airline food... probably woudlnt suit a person like yourself :)

  5. I was hoping that by the time they had grown up they would have pristine lockers. Sigh. Hear that sound? that was the sound of my hopes and dreams for tidy adults crashing and burning. sniff.
