Thursday, November 18, 2010

Segulah Thursday - Looking for Forty Women to BUY Challah

{The following post is tongue in cheek, but all events are real}

You've seen those emails/postings etc., looking for forty women to bake challah as a segulah for a refuah sheleimah for this or that seriously ill person, right?
(Where does this segulah stem from and why has it only taken root in the last ten years?)
Anyway - I digress.
I'M looking for forty women to BUY challah this week, as a segulah for refuah sheleimah for Yekke Wannabe. You see, I don't think he's terribly ill or anything (hence the buying as opposed to baking), but he's under the weather and he's been scheduled (finally) to "Come to Dinner" this Friday night for weeks already. He may have to cancel (which would necessitate an addendum to G6's Guide To Guests).
Since I really hate to re-edit posts, and since I sort of feel bad for Yekke Wannabe's illness (this better be more than a headache buddy.....), I'm asking my readers to get together and let the power of carbohydrate consumerism pierce the Shaarei Shomayim and grant him a refuah sheleimah before this coming Friday Night.

Who's "in"?

(Barring that.... I may have two available places at my table Friday night... who's interested?... Just Kidding YW..... I'm holding them.... I have faith in segulos)

P.S. Once you've bought my challah, you may want to consider these other lovely segulah options.....


  1. oh i would LOVE to participate in this! it would give me the perfect excuse to buy challa!

    if i didn't have company i'd say maybe we'd take his spots :)

  2. Given that my yeast decided to act today like a 13 year old being asked to scrub a toilet--"You want me to do what?! No way!"--I am definitely in. But I'm having company so can we count that as a double order of challah please.

  3. Count me in as well. My challah didn't cooperate, so it's either you, or more challah baking at 2 am. I'm leaning heavily towards you...

  4. Meanwhile, since only 3 of you(4 if you count ProfK's double batch {and I'm still laughing at the analogy... you DO KNOW that I've got a 13 year old, right?}) participated, the segulah didn't work and I've got two empty seats at my Friday night table.

    Peanut butter mousse anyone?


    Refuah Sheleimah Yekke Wannabe....

  5. refuah sheleimah to YK!! Just so happens i have been buying challah more than baking in the recent weeks and just today tried a different recipe and they came out looking perfect! (although I was on the phone while making the dough and I'm pretty sure i doubled the salt...oh well)!

  6. thank you everyone for your effort but make sure the we reach 40 challohs so i could go G6 tonight.

  7. Yekke Wannabe -

    You're not checking yourself out of the hospital against doctor's orders just to come to our table now, are you..... :P

    Raincheck issued...

  8. Congrats on the new background!

  9. WAdsworth3 -

    Thanks! I was waiting for somebody to say something :D

  10. Sorry folks, too much glare!
