I've been wanting for a long time to participate in Not Me! Monday over at MckMama's blog, but I haven't been able to work up the guts that other bloggers I enjoy, apparently have. Last week however, was just too good not to share.
So here's how Not Me! Monday works.
It was born out of a desire to admit one's imperfections and reveal some moments one would rather forget. Feel free to join in and share what you have not been doing.... it might prove therapeutic!
So here goes:
Last Tuesday, as temperatures spiked to highs not seen previously this summer, I did NOT decide that it was an auspicious day to pull out my cutting board and huge stockpot and cook up a 2-3 week batch of fruit soup in my sweltering kitchen. Nope! Not me!!
I definitely did NOT then forget about the pot that I had slaved over and then left to cool down a bit on the stove, only to discover it a full 24 hours later still standing on the burner. That would be just terrible.....
I also did not decide on the following day, with temperatures still hovering near 90 degrees, that I should right then and there prepare an even LARGER pot (5-6 weeks worth) of chicken soup, which simmers for three hours. Not me.....
I also did not run around to all my family members begging them to remind me not to forget that pot on the stove all night as well.
I DEFINITELY DID NOT then subsequently proceed to once again forget that pot on the stove until morning. That would certainly NOT be something I would do......
Sooooo..... what have you all not been doing lately? :D