Thursday, October 22, 2009

More Parshas Noach Humor...


Shosh said...

haha! made me laugh out loud!!

efrex said...

As long as we're going this route: I seem to recall a commercial for Reese's peanut butter cups, in which two men in a tent had just discovered that chocolate and peanut butter taste great together

Man 1: "Let's tell our neighbor Noah about this!"
Man 2: "Nah, let's wait 'till the rain stops."
Voiceover: "And so the world would have to wait to discover the great taste..."

Now, if someone can explain why *this* is burned into my brain, but the gemara that I just learned last night is already leaking out...

FBB said...

This could totally be wrong, but I remember hearing once that someone says that is where the dinosaurs went! The water aged the bones, but they were not on the Teivah, and that's why they are extinct.

Mikeinmidwood said...

I laughed so hard, thanks.

Anonymous said...

FBB - that is in the Tiferes Yisroel on Mishna.

David_on_the_Lake said...

very very cute