I know you're reading. I see you hiding there (and I know who you are). But SO MANY of you never say "Hello", let alone leave a bona fide comment.
Why not come out today, on the Official Delurker Day, and tell me what you think? Leave a comment. Or just a smile :)
That means YOU TOO!!!!
I've commented before, but since you don't seem to have any takers yet today, here's a hi hello.
And a smile. :)
Hi! anonymous lurker checking in...
but staying anonymous :-)
I should have added, that if you wish to remain anonymous online, but don't mind letting me know who you are, you can always drop a hint... :D
hi there!! ;-)
I may have commented before, I don't often :-) Hi anyway!
I love your blog. And, yes, I lurk. But I shall delurk for this one post. So here I am! :-)
Peeking in and saying hi!
{waves Hello to "someone", Proud Mommy of 4 and Jenny}
C'mon the rest of you!
I know you're out there, because my hit counter TELLS ME you are.
Hi! I've been reading your blog for several months, and enjoy your outlook, pictures, and personal glimpse into your community.
I'm usually reading on my blackberry, which makes it harder to comment.
Hope I can invite myself over sometime.
Nice to meet you!
The picture is suprisingly prust.
helllllllllooooooooo im here, you know ME, coming by to say HELLLOOOOOO HOW ARE YOU?
aN Dy here letting you know im here, saying hi, putting out a smile and wishing a good shabbos (no delurking neccessary)...a note to the unknowns (ahem BLD, Fake BLD) show your true face!! ;-)
Why say something unimportant? It is better to remain silent & be thought ____________ (fill in the blank as appropriate), than to speak & remove all doubt!!!!!
Gutten Erev Schabbos to All
Yekkishe Bekkishe -
Great line!
Hi, I subscribe to your blog through google reader and i love it! keep up the great writing!
Pink Devorah -
Just say the word... :D
i think i have commented before..but just in case...HI THERE FROM SUNNY FLORIDA~!~~
hey,im delurking to say i might be in the heights for shabbas. Brad
Hi Brad!
We'd love to meet you.
Stop on by and say "Hi" :D
wait, is that an invite for Friday night shabbas dinner? or for dessert(s-hopefully)? either is fine, im just trying to decipher. Brad
Brad -
Please email me.
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