WARNING: Major Rant Ahead
OK. I've HAD IT!!!
Really I have.
The kosher food industry in my mind has hit an all time low.
I want you all to know that I waited a FULL WEEK before posting this in order to give those involved a chance to ameliorate the situation, but apparently those with the power either shop elsewhere or have money to burn.
Kosher chicken in my neighborhood has gone to $3.29 a pound. You heard me! Seriously!!! What is WITH THESE PEOPLE?!??! What are they feeding those birds? What are they feeding those mashgichim??!?!?
Sources have informed me that the manufacturer of the chicken that is under KAJ Hashgocho, market their product under three separate labels, which are priced differently, IN ORDER TO CREATE THE ILLUSION OF COMPETITION!!!! You heard me again! Then why, pray tell, is my local supermarket ONLY carrying the most expensive option? While I'm not even sure that I find this practice so ethical for a Jewish company, where's the competition if only the most expensive brand is on the shelf? Illusory or not? Don't I get a choice????
I refuse to pay 3.29 a pound for chicken. I simply refuse. You can only push a girl so far! (I've gotta get myself to Brooklyn, grumble... grumble....)
(Time for a little competition of my own. Higher standard of Kashrus? I say time for a higher standard of YASHRUS...)