On Sunday March 13 at 2 a.m., Daylight Saving Time begins in the United States.
Whose bright idea was it to have my office OPEN this Sunday?
Losing an hour of sleep and waking up early on a Sunday morning is DEFINITELY not a good combination.....
So if you're looking for a real post, I suggest you read last year's. I'm going to bed now......
1 less hour I could spend on the blog...
Wow so soon - I thought spring begins on March 21st?
Isreview -
Changing the clocks back and forth to accommodate Daylight Savings Time, has nothing to do with the vernal equinox, which dictates the beginning of spring.
The phrase "spring forward / fall back" is just a way to remember which way to move the clock at the approximate time of year.
You went to bed at 7:41?! I WISH I could say the same...!!
itsagift -
not quite, but bloggers get poetic license too, don't they? ;)
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