But as you will soon see, this little blog took on a life of its own and grew. It grew to have more impact on my life and on the lives of others than I ever imagined.
It began with a few emails:
"Thank you so much. I haven't heard the Yekkishe niggunim of my youth in a long time. It takes me back and makes me happy."
"Your table photos look lovely. Do you have space for two more this Friday night?"I met so many new people and suddenly I was a member of TWO beautiful communities - the one in which I currently reside, and the great online Jewish community that spans the globe. I met countless bloggers and followers, many who eventually arrived as guests at my Shabbos table. I received emails that proved the "six degrees of separation" rule over and over again:
Commenter YDL recognized his sister's creative arches in a family wedding photo I posted.
Long time follower and commenter, Mrs. S. recognized my nephew in a photo I posted and came to realize that even though she thought she was reading a stranger's blog all this time, we are actually related by marriage!And THEN one day came the message that would by far have the most impact on our family than any other arising out of this blog. The aforementioned Mrs. S. - a woman who began reading my blog without knowing me at all, who is living in Eretz Yisroel, who I likely would never have met if not for this blog - contacted me, and wondered if Joey might be interested in dating her cousin.
People have criticized me in the past for blogging so much about my family. In this instance, Mrs. S. felt that the blog gave her a good sense of who we were and what we stood for.
I now realize what a great debt I owe to this blog. Without this blog, Joey and Kayla might never have met.
Think about THAT all you blog naysayers ;)
Oh, and......

Kayla and Joey!!!