"...if you need someone else to tell you what to look for in a spouse then you are just plain not ready to get married. If you can't trust your own judgement about what qualities are right for you in a marriage, then you are just plain not ready to get married. If you need coaching by a "professional" (and reading the qualifications for the two people on the site, that "professional" designation is theirs, not mine) on what to talk about, about what to do, about how to act, about what to think when on a date, YOU ARE JUST PLAIN NOT READY TO GET MARRIED."
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Exploiting The "Shidduch Crisis"
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Delurker for Dinner
Friday, January 29, 2010
Today Is My THIRD (!!!) Blogiversary

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tu B'Shvat Higi'ah
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Recipe For Gruenkern Soup
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Buy Gruenkern...
Monday, January 25, 2010
The KAJ - Breuer's Bris Milah Menorah
Guess What's Being Served For Dinner

This Friday night, my Tu B'shvat menu will once again try to incorporate all Shivas HaMinim, the seven species listed in the Torah as being special to Eretz Yisroel.
- Wheat - challah
- Barley - baked barley and mushrooms
- Grapes - wine and grapes on the dessert platters
- Figs - on the dessert platters
- Pomegranates - pomegranate juice
- Olives - condiments with the meal
- Dates - on the dessert platters
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"The truth is less about fact or reason
And more about what people believe in."
Monday, January 18, 2010
Can We "Hold the Boxer" Please?
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Saw Them On Shabbos
Thursday, January 14, 2010
It's Delurker Day!

It's Catching On!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Molten Chocolate Chip Cakelets
Melt choc chips with syrup (just until melted... don't over cook this or it
will thicken)
Monday, January 11, 2010
Zagat Review - BadforShidduchim Style...
Guess Who Came for Dinner?
by bad4shidduchim
It was Blobby’s idea and Scraps’s execution and I just came along for the ride. Or the food. Good food, I should mention. If you are ever in Washington Heights, I cannot recommend enough that you drop in on G6 for a bite.
G6 is one of the few people you can describe as ebullient; she was positively aflutter with excitement when an unexpected party dropped in around dessert time and she had made an extra dessert!!! (I’ve only ever seen one other person actually flutter in excitement.) So, if you want to make her happy, I recommend you drop in around dessert time. It will make you happy too.
‘Course, it ain’t all about the food. The company and conversation were good, and we were loath to leave, and I might have consequently conked out on their table (my bedtime is 10:15 pm and we definitely passed it) if Scraps hadn’t been perceptive enough to excuse us.
Til next time!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Who's On First? I Don't Know. Third Base!
Me: I think it's probably BadforShidduchim but it could be Something Different...Avram: What?Me: Our Shabbos guest.Avram: If it's not Bad4, who could it be?Me: Something DifferentAvram: How different could she be?Me: No that's her name....
- After my sister-in-law questioning me about what I am doing up at 2 a.m. blogging, I realized that not everybody is aware of the possibility of "scheduled" posts and it might seem like "ma'aras ayin" to have a post go up after Shabbos begins. (Despite what it may look like, I don't blog from work either. Who would do such a thing...?)
- Ignore reason #1. The overriding reason was the fact that I was only about 90% sure that it was BadforShidduchim and my pride couldn't take the hit of being wrong for all to see.