Thursday, March 13, 2014

Pre-Purim Prep

I have been asked by many what my Purim Seudah Menu will look like, so here goes:
Mini puff pastry triangles filled with meat (we like to have an appetizer that alludes to the "hidden" miracle of Purim)
Sweet potato leek soup 
French roast
Broccoli kugel
Corn salad
.... and since the grandchildren are coming, I decided to try my hand at this dessert again. I haven't done it since 2012 since we need to make a lot of them and it is rather labor intensive, to say the least. This year Jennifer pitched in and really did a lot of the piece-work. She made all of Achashveirosh, all the crowns, Haman's hats and beards and much, much more. I find as the years go by, my patience wanes and her expertise grows ;).


Cyndi said...

SHULI: I wanna come over too! Looks delishooooos!

Faygie said...

Those cupcakes are amazingly creative- love them!