The gaunlet has been officially thrown down, in the form of a comment by Citizen of Brooklyn North:
December 14, 2008 9:41 AM
citizen of brooklyn north said...
totally off topic, but isn't it time to put up a picture of chanuka cookies hanging from your chandelier??
I have never been one to refuse a challenge.

Now truthfully, up until now, the front door of our home always got decorated with the traditional paper dreidels that I made the year Michael was at home in playgroup [is it now 21 years ago???], but the chandelier has been the sole territory of Purim's Haman men and nothing else (see sidebar). CoBN got me thinking....
1 comment:
Think I will try it, too.
But you are correct, if it is strictly the Hamans' domain, then hanging chanuka cookies in their place isn't right.
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