While I have seen several bloggers open themselves up to ridicule scrutiny by emptying out the contents of their purses, pockets and sometimes even dresser drawers for the world to see, I was more intrigued by a photography project entitled Face Your Pockets.
The concept is simple. Empty the contents of your pockets and/or purse on to a scanner bed. Lay your face on the scanner as well, and scan away.
Anyone care to join me? I'll post the results of those brave enough to make the attempt {or not, if you request otherwise}. (send photos to guesswhoscoming2dinner@gmail.com) Remember... for those shy folks, faces are easily obscured to varying degrees. BLD, where are you?
We have our first "player", folks. efrex sent in this submission while grumbling that I had to post this during the three weeks, didn't I .......
Blog reader tembow has joined the group. She's a bit shy and only included a bit of her hair in the scan, but I can tell you that we both have a lot in common. We both like our candies/gum sugar free - we both love chocolate - and we use the same brand of makeup. Oh, and my daughter has the same siddur in pink ;) . Thanks for playing tembow (and thanks for the lovely compliment at the end of the email {blush!}).
Gavi sent in the contents of his backpack.
Keep on playing everyone!!!

(Note: This is by FAR not the entire contents of my purse. My scanner is not nearly big enough for that...)
I just got to thinking....
Just one generation ago, say for instance when our parents were our own age... How many of these items would our parents NOT be able to even identify?
Looking at the main Face Your Pockets page, almost every scan contains either an iPod, a flash drive, cellphone, bluetooth etc...
But even my Snapple cap wouldn't have been around...
I wonder what THEY would've scanned... (not that they'd have had a personal scanner...)
You people have old phones!
You think the PHONE is the oldest thing in that scan?!??
I'm pretty sure that my (ancient relic of a) Lord & Taylor card is a collector's item by now!
Back to the phone though, I'm not very good with change. It was traumatic enough getting THAT one (over three years ago, it seems).
I am hoping for a new iPhone though... just as soon as they fix their design flaw.
Ha! I noticed the Lord and Taylor card as being...not updated!
At least your "old" phone is bluetooth compatible, but texting must be a pain.
G6 DOESN'T TEXT (please inform your sister of this fact ;) )
Indeed I do. I'm a strange combination of geek and luddite*, so while I love technology in general, I don't feel the need to jump after every new gadget when it hits the market. Until it died last month, my pocket also contained my Palm z22 z"l (I may not have ever been an engineer, but four years of schooling with them have taught me the importance of roomy shirt pockets :) ).
* any comments along the lines of "you're a strange combination of a lot of other things" have already been anticipated and acknowledged, thankyewverymuch...
We have another player folks.
If you get the comments emailed to you, come check out the post again to see tembow's submission.
GODIVA has a rewards program?!
Please, PLEASE, Hash-m, let The Lovely Wife(tm) not see this picture...
Godiva has the best rewards program. you can sign up for free and you get a FREE chocolate every month!!
G6- i love that phone. I had it in israel and in america until i switched to verizon which doesnt really sell nokias
Wallet + Phone + Keys = boring pockets here.
Don't like carrying much in my pockets, though.
And yeah, you guys seem to have really old phones!
Efrex, how old is that metrocard? It looks like it's been through a war (or two)!
tnspr -
You're just a big CHICKEN, thats all... !!!
And I was wondering the same thing, efrex. My metrocard actually EXPIRED last week... how do you keep that thing?
Actually, my scanner isn't working right now...
Efrex is more old-school and luddite than techie - he has an "old-fashioned" iPod (not to mention his phone)!
My face is in the upper left corner of the pic... Look closely, it's there!
Oh, look at that!
I see it now :D
Thanks for clarifying.
Gavi has sent in an updated photo.
His face on the lower left is easier to spot now.
(*in best Yoda voice*) When kept in a jeans pocket through a half-mile walk in a thunderstorm, look so good your MetroCard will not.
Actuallly, the most outdated things in that scan are the wallet photos - really need to update those already.
tnspr: "old-school" - yeah, I like that... sounds much better than "crotchety old codger" :) The iPod is actually quite new: the "classic" model is the only one that can hold all the stuff I throw in there (Hey, G6: A "contents of your iPod" post might be the next interesting reader challenge!).
Efrex, the ipod is still old-school. Some might even consider it retro (not that I agree, though). It's so simple - it just plays music. That's a good thing, in my opinion.
You actually have an iPod and cellphone - can't be THAT old! Besides, the kids are still pretty young, right?
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