A recent issue of Martha Stewart Living magazine featured this lovely inspiration for my dear granddaughter Tzipora's first birthday cake.
I think DD1 outdid herself, thanks in part to FSIL/OSIL and his suggestion to add interest by laying the lentils on a diagonal.
This cake design is perfect for the busy mom, who may not have time to fuss with piping and icing and other fine work, but wants to create something special that makes a statement.
Pora sure liked it!!! :D
That's inSANE. (Can I have?)
so awesome! I am now inspired!
your grandbaby is just delicious and the cake looks awesome....
Happy first birthday Tzipporah!!
Shab Shal!
Beautiful! Next year a Bais! Mazel Tov!
Love the graphic look of this cake, the idea of using the lentils this way was really good.
Oh, and happy birthday to your einenkel.
Happy birthday!! May you continue to see much nachas from your children and grandchildren.
That must've taken a lot of time AND patience to do...unless you had your grandchildren help you line them all up so neatly! (I'm not sure if they're old enough to have done that though!)
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