Alec Gerrard, a 78 year old from the United Kingdom, spent 3 years researching his 1:100 scale model of the Bais Hamikdash, that took him 33,000 hours to date and measures 20' x 12'.
He hand painted every clay brick and tile and sculpted all of the 4,000 half inch, correctly dressed figures to populate his creation.
Mr. Garrard began this project in his 40's and does not expect it to be fully completed in his lifetime. All I can say is WOW!!

This is really beautiful - is this guy even Jewish?
Regrettably he is not. He is a preacher (see the back of his book). We cannot be excited over this, especially because he uses Christian sources. Torah BaGoyim Al Taamin. Instead for displays check out the Jewish Childrens Museum in Crown Heights, built in memory of that frum yingle Halberstam z'l killed on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Lubavitch (like Lakewood or any right-wing camp) is just as likely to distort the historical reality. For example, if the gemara would contradict historical evidence, Lubavitch would choose the gemara over the empirical evidence (even though the gemera was written 500 years after the Temple was destroyed). (I don't know, in fact, if there are such contradictions.)
I don't know what sources this fellow used. As long as he used the relevant mishnayos as part of his blueprint, it's probably accurate, more or less. Why should we presume that a Christian has an agenda in a case like this?
isn't that a rather broad indictment of several groups?
No, I don't think so.
Amazing, and I dont know where he could find how big the beis hamikdash was in the new testament.
Well, I am a Christian, living in Indiana, USA and I think that no matter whether this person is Jewish or not this replica of the Temple is a great achievement. Thank you for all your time and devotion. I wrote a self help book on scams and fraud and that took me a long time and taught me patience.The book can be viewed on Amazon.com and called ' Scammers Among Us Beware'.Thank you, again for it is beautiful.
Baked Lecho Dodi: We cannot be excited over this, especially because he uses Christian sources.
Not really. Gerrard's model is based on the work of archaeological architect Leen Ritmeyer, whose (smaller) model of the Second Temple has been on display at the Yeshiva University Museum. Ritmeyer's work is solid and reliable, and is based upon the Mishna, classical sources such as Josephus, and archaeological excavations. The Christian bible contains close to no information bearing on the architecture of the Temple.
Baruch: For example, if the gemara would contradict historical evidence, Lubavitch would choose the gemara over the empirical evidence (even though the gemera was written 500 years after the Temple was destroyed).
The main rabbinic source of information for the Temple's structure is the Mishna (tractate Middot), not the Gemara. The Mishna was compiled much closer in time to the period during which the Temple stood, and likely contains source material composed while the Temple was standing.
As regards your implication that Lubavitch would have problems with Gerrard's model, you may find this rather interesting...
Deberiamos empezar a ensenar sobre el nuevo templo segun el profeta Ezequiel, esos modelos son segun el templo de Salomon o el tmeplo Herodiano que fueron destuidos, saludos
Sonia Hidalgo
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